Inspiration from across the world for retail enthusiasts, e-commerce professionals, marketing lovers and technology fans. Welcome back! I summarized some great links again, I stumbled upon this week: 📖The Customer Effort Score: still relevant and a good metric to start with | 📘Facebook AD test structure explained by an expert (with bad sound quality though) | 🛍️Everyone a marketplace: Nordstrom launching a marketplace | 🔍Product Manager vs Product Designer | 🧪Alternatives to Facilitated Usability Testing | 🇸🇦 Travel companion app : Saudia Airlines | 🤓Download the error messages decision tree | 🇰🇷 🇨🇳 Meanwhile, in the East: Vending machines with Gold Bars | 🧐Lynn Alden explains how money and banking work
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Global Digital Marketing & Retail by Alex 38
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Inspiration from across the world for retail enthusiasts, e-commerce professionals, marketing lovers and technology fans. Welcome back! I summarized some great links again, I stumbled upon this week: 📖The Customer Effort Score: still relevant and a good metric to start with | 📘Facebook AD test structure explained by an expert (with bad sound quality though) | 🛍️Everyone a marketplace: Nordstrom launching a marketplace | 🔍Product Manager vs Product Designer | 🧪Alternatives to Facilitated Usability Testing | 🇸🇦 Travel companion app : Saudia Airlines | 🤓Download the error messages decision tree | 🇰🇷 🇨🇳 Meanwhile, in the East: Vending machines with Gold Bars | 🧐Lynn Alden explains how money and banking work